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Benin/Savè and Kétou: The two mayors unite for a peaceful and concerted resolution of the border dispute between their communes

The meeting room of the Kétou town hall was the setting for a decisive meeting between a delegation from the Savè commune and the Kétou authorities on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. SESSINOU Ablawa Lucie, Mayor of Kétou, surrounded by the Idigny Arrondissement Chief, LALEYE B. Babatoundé, and the technical staff of her municipal administration, welcomed her counterpart from Savè, He Dénis OBA CHABI, accompanied by Dr OLADJIDE Azaria, Chef d'Arrondissement de Béssé, Monsieur Modeste HOUNGBEDJI, CA Honoraire de BESSE and the technical staff of Savè Town Hall. The aim of this working session, initiated by the Mayor of Savè, was to find a favorable outcome to the border dispute that has pitted our two communes against each other for too many years.

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Congo/Social affairs: the budget for the Youth Productive Inclusion Project is readjusted

At its extraordinary session on October 18 in Brazzaville, the steering committee of the Social Protection and Productive Inclusion of Young People Project adopted the work plan and revised the budget downwards to 9 billion FCFA.

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Algeria/National Security: national blood donation campaign launched

A national blood donation campaign organized by the Direction générale de la sûreté nationale (DGSN) in collaboration with the Agence nationale du sang (ANS) and the Fédération algérienne des donneurs de sang (FADS) got underway in Algiers on Monday.

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Cambodia/Consultative workshop on the National Student Entrepreneur Statute: "promoting the entrepreneurial spirit in Cambodia".

Over thirty representatives from various sectors gathered at a consultative workshop on the National Student Entrepreneur Status (SNEE), organized by AUF on October 21-22, 2024 at the Cambodian Institute of Technology. The event brought together government officials, academics, institutional partners and international experts to co-construct an entrepreneurial framework for Cambodian students.

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Canada/N.S. government publishes code of conduct for elected municipal officials

The Nova Scotia government has published a code of conduct for all elected municipal officials in the province.

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Vietnam/ A drive to restore mangrove forests in south-central Vietnam

Mangrove forests are special and rare ecosystems that form in coastal zones and estuaries in areas affected by tides. Although they account for just over 1% of Vietnam's total forest area (14.4 million hectares), mangrove forests play an important role in mitigating the effects of climate change.

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France/Longvic: a sports association welcomes Red Cross children for a week

The ALC Longvic association welcomes 12 children from the Red Cross for a week, to introduce them to various sports: handball, judo, fencing and karate.

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Morocco/Dar Talib Amsila in Taza, when INDH supports rural girls

Taza - Recently rehabilitated and expanded by the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH), Dar Talib Amsila, in the province of Taza, plays a major role in promoting schooling for rural girls. Supported by the INDH, as part of the "Impulsion du capital humain des générations montantes" program, this structure has undergone renovation work with the aim of offering the best learning and living conditions to its boarders, so that they escape the phenomenon of dropping out of school.

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Canada/The first compost plant officially opens in Montreal

Montreal's first composting plant officially opens its doors on Monday, although it has been running in for several months. Radio-Canada was given access to the state-of-the-art facility, which has been 15 years in the making, and which turns citizens' table scraps into "brown gold" with a thousand virtues.

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Congo/Health: local committees work to improve community healthcare

The Health Committees (Cosa) of the Makélékélé and Talangaï health districts were recently renewed, as part of a program to improve access to quality health services. Comprising a wide range of social sensitivities, the Cosa help to run the Integrated Health Centers (CSI).

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Belgium/Hollogne-sur-Geer: a project to breed fly larvae for animal feed

Use unsold fruit and vegetables to raise fly larvae, then turn them into farmed food. This is the aim of the young company Wastech. Its 4 Brussels-based founders plan to set up their factory in a hangar of the former graterie in Hollogne-sur-Geer.

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France/The 60th anniversary of the German twinning will be celebrated in early June 2025, in Cléder

The Friends of the German Twinning with Herleshausen and Lauchröden turned out in force on Friday, October 18, 2024 for their annual general meeting, chaired by Marie-Claude Herry, who opened the meeting by praising the work of the volunteers involved in the various events.

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France/In the Eure region, the Sika plant plays the sustainable development card

Sika, which has been based in Damville in the Eure region for 50 years, has taken a quantum leap with the construction of a 3,200 m2 extension and the installation of 1,000 m2 of solar panels.

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Italy/Internationalization and sustainable development prospects for Neapolitan excellence

The conference organized by the Naples Bar Association (with the moral sponsorship of the City Council, the Chamber of Commerce, the Honorary Consulate of Brazil and the Italian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rio de Janeiro) was held in the Naples City Council Chamber under the title "Prospects of internationalization and sustainable development for Neapolitan excellence".

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Guinea: $113 million from the EU to support several sectors

Guinea has secured EU funding for priority sectors essential to the well-being of the population. The aim is to support the fight against irregular immigration, waste management and access to drinking water, the creation of green jobs and the health sector.

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Morocco/A Jerada, ANEF focuses on sustainable and ecological development

As part of the "Forests of Morocco 2020-2030" strategy launched by King Mohammed VI, the Managing Director of the Agence Nationale des Eaux et Forêts (ANEF), Abderrahim Houmy, made a working visit to the province of Jerada this Tuesday, October 15, 2024, to assess the progress of projects contributing to sustainable development and ecological resilience in the region.

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France - Lebanon/ Fonds de concours - support for the people of Lebanon

Since mid-September 2024, the worsening situation in Lebanon, and in particular the Israeli army's bombardments in the south and east of the country, have already caused several thousand casualties, injuries and displaced persons. To support the civilian population in Lebanon, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, via its Crisis and Support Center, has activated, at the Minister's request, the "fonds de concours" which can receive financial contributions from local authorities (FACECO) and companies.

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Canada/Yukon municipal elections: results from rural communities

The people have voted, the votes have been counted, and municipal elections are now bringing a wind of change to many municipalities across the Yukon, where many new faces will be entering municipal council.

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Côte d'Ivoire/ Actions to maintain cohesion between breeders and farmers in Sotitédouo

Konan Kouadio Lucien, Regional Director of Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Production in Bounkani, led an awareness campaign on October 11, 2024 in Sotitédouo to strengthen cohesion between breeders and farmers in the area.

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Burkina Faso/Vocational training: The 2024-2025 pedagogical activities of training centers are launched

Burkina's vocational training centers have officially started the 2024-2025 academic year. The launch of teaching activities took place on Thursday October 17, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, under the chairmanship of Dr Boubakar Savadogo, Minister of Secondary Education, Vocational and Technical Training.

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In Benin, Sèmè City and EbonyLife Media join forces to accelerate the transformation of the screen industries

Sèmè City, the Government of the Republic of Benin's flagship initiative dedicated to human capital development, and EbonyLife Media, Africa's leading media conglomerate with a global presence, in collaboration with EbonyLife Creative Academy, announce the creation of the Sèmè City Film Lab.

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France/In Ille-et-Vilaine, a partnership signed between the gendarmerie and the Département

On Thursday October 17, 2024, the gendarmerie and the Ille-et-Vilaine département signed an agreement to strengthen their partnership. The focus will be on preventive measures for vulnerable people and protection of community buildings.

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Togo: the Wezou program passes the 600,000 beneficiary mark

In Togo, Wezou, the medical support program for pregnant women and newborns, has now passed the 600,000 beneficiary mark in three years. This was announced by the Togolese Minister of Health, Professor Tchin Darré, on the bangs of a media exchange session held on Monday October 14. The results cover the period from August 26, 2021 to August 31, 2024.

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Canada/Alberta's major cities ready to brave the snow

Snowplows in Alberta's major cities are ready for the first flurries of snow, the municipalities of Edmonton and Calgary assured us this week.

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Canada/Beaurivage fine-tunes its language policy before councillors vote

The municipality of Beaurivage is busy improving its language policy before it is submitted to the town council. In the business community, the idea of a policy that encourages businesses and industries to post signs in French goes down well.

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Morocco-USA: Twinning agreement between the municipality of Dakhla and the city of Columbus

In anticipation of an American consulate in the Sahara amrocain, a twinning agreement between the municipality of Dakhla and the city of Columbus in the United States (Ohio), was signed on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, in Dakhla, with the aim of strengthening bilateral cooperative relations in several areas of common interest.???? The agreement was initialed by the President of the Dakhla Communal Council, Erragheb Hormatallah, and the Mayor of the City of Columbus (Ohio), Andrew Ginther, in the presence of the Wali of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region, Governor of the Province of Oued-Eddahab, Ali Khalil, and the Mayor of Arlington, Texas, Jim Ross, as well as elected officials.???

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France - Armenia/Marseille: a first in France twinning between a high school in the 12th arrondissement and one in Yerevan, Armenia

After a series of exchanges and trips developed over the months between several classes, the Lycée Nelson-Mandela (12th arrondissement) and the Lycée Manuel-Kajuni in Yerevan sealed their twinning on Friday October 11 at the Armenian Consulate General in Marseille.

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Congo/Octobre rose: Ufemco raises awareness of breast cancer among mediawomen

On October 16, the Union des femmes des médias du Congo (Ufemco ) held an awareness-raising workshop on the theme of "Women in the media: voices and players in the fight against breast cancer", at the Manguiers bookshop within Les Dépêches de Brazzaville. The workshop focused on the causes, consequences and means of preventing and combating these diseases.

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Vietnam/ Hung Yên province develops green and intelligent urban zones

Hung Yên (North) is set to develop rapidly and sustainably into a modern industrial province with one of the country's leading economies and levels of development. This is part of its master plan for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, recently approved by the Prime Minister.

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France/ Partnership signed between Rouen Handball, 76actu and Côté Rouen

With strong local ties as a shared value, Rouen Handball (RHB), 76actu and Côté Rouen have signed a partnership agreement.

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Algeria/International Day of Rural Women: various events in Ouargla and Touggourt

Various events were organized on Tuesday in the wilayas of Ouargla and Touggourt to mark International Rural Women's Day, organizers said.

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Belgique/24H vélo LLN: Univers Santé deploys a preventive system for students

The 24 heures vélo de Louvain-la-Neuve will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday, and in the run-up to the event, which attracts an average of 40,000 people, the non-profit organization Univers Santé is planning a preventive program to promote responsible cycling.

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SENEGAL-FINANCE-GENER / Budget decisions: a network launched to promote women's influence

The network of women in public finance in Senegal was launched on Tuesday in Dakar, with the aim of promoting the influence of women in budgetary decision-making and providing educational, networking and mentoring opportunities.

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Mali/A scientific future for Malian girls

Mali celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11, highlighting the importance of science courses for young girls. Under the theme of refoundation through education, the day recalled the rights of girls and highlighted their potential.

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