France/ Auray communes create their own public energy company

Published on 19/04/2024 | La rédaction


On Friday April 5, 2024, in Crac'h (Morbihan), the communes of the Pays d'Auray signed the articles of association of the local public company Aqta Énergies.

It's a project that's taking shape. On Friday April 5, 2024, following the community council meeting in Crac'h(Morbihan), the elected representatives of the Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique region signed the articles of association for Aqta Énergies, a new local public company.

Why this choice?

Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique has drawn up a strategy for the development of renewable energy sources in the region, "with one major challenge : the development of the wood-energy sector and the valorization of biomass", recalls the community of communes in a press release.

Who are the members of this local public company and what will its missions be?

This SPL, whose shareholders are exclusively local authorities, aims to pool resources and improve cooperation between communes in the Auray area. Called "Aqta Énergies", it will be able to take action in the fields of energy demand management and renewable energies, and in particular in the field of energy efficiency.nergies, and in particular for the sustainable management and development of the wood energy sector to supply the heating networks under development. It will also be responsible for studies, investment, construction and operation of the facilities built, as well as the development and provision of tools and expertise for the benefit of shareholder communities.

How will it operate?

The share capital is €500,000. Aqta is investing €487,500, i.e. 97.5% of the total capital. The twenty-four communes and the Région Bretagne, which have expressed their wish to join the governance of Aqta énergie, are each taking a share, worth €500. Governance will be set up in the next fortnight.

In concrete terms, which buildings will be concerned?

Aqta énergie's activities will begin with an initial partnership with the commune of Quiberon, to operate a wood-energy heating network in 2025, which will supply communal buildings (gymnasiums, schools, etc.).buildings (gymnasium, aquatic center, Espace Louison-Bobet), the Beg-Er-Vil secondary school, the Les Dunes independent residence and the La Rose des vents Ehpad, by 2025.At the same time, studies are underway with other local authorities: a dozen projects are envisaged, representing around 6 million euros of investment over the next three years.


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