Canada/Sherbrooke adopts a new sports policy

Published on 25/04/2024 | La rédaction


Sherbrooke City Council adopted a new Politique du sport, de l'activité physique et du plein air on Tuesday evening. The policy had not been updated for 20 years.

A total of 55 objectives are listed in the policy, including consolidating the service offering and mobilizing partners. An action plan will shortly be drawn up in line with the policy's orientations.

Mayor Évelyne Beaudin believes it was important for the city to bring itself up to date. The previous policy was adopted in the context of a municipal merger. We're more in development mode now. How can we promote healthy lifestyles and ensure that the outdoors is also part of the activities? she commented in a press scrum after the municipal council meeting.

The outdoor component was rather absent from the previous policy. The most-used infrastructure of all is the trails," stressed Ms. Beaudin.

Call for resources

Nancy Robichaud, Chair of the Commission de la culture, des loisirs, des sports et du plein air, highlighted the work accomplished over more than a year. I hope that the people who took part in the meetings will recognize themselves," she said.

What we'd like most is for this not to be a document that ends up on our shelves.

A quote from city councillor Joanie Bellerose

For her part, municipal councillor Joanie Bellerose expressed the hope that funding would be forthcoming. I hope the action plan will be accompanied by a budget to implement the projects," she declared.

An event will be held on May 30 to mark the launch of the policy.


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