Congo/Capacity building: a workshop for the staff of the General Directorate for Youth
On May 17, the General Directorate for Youth held a training workshop in Brazzaville, focusing on professional deontology and ethics in the public service.
In order to meet the needs generated by the missions entrusted by the hierarchy in the light of users' expectations, participants were taught to apply and ensure compliance with regulations and the principles of workof the civil service; to maintain professional practices in the work environment; and lastly, to develop skills to contribute to ethical service management.
The Director General of Youth, Jycert Arnet Rochar Loukanou, said in his opening remarks that the department has a huge responsibility towards the young people of today and tomorrow. Every interaction, every administrative file handled," he added, "directly influences the path that young people will take. No action, he said, can be effective without trained and equipped staff, but even more so, without irreproachable ethics, and the Minister in charge of Youth attaches particular value and attention to these programs.
"..... Together, by cultivating a culture of ethical excellence, we can truly transform young people's concerns into opportunities . But it's not just that, it's also a question of shaping a vision for all the staff here present, in line with the orientations of the Head of State, Denis Sassou N'Guesso. Let's remember that every young person's voice counts, every concern is heard and must be dealt with effectively" , he said. He invited the central directors and heads of department to rise above the temptations of complacency, corruption and opportunism, "For we must be living examples of dedication, integrity and respect for living examples of dedication, honesty and respect for the moral and ethical values that guide our work and govern our Republic", he urged.
It should be noted that this ongoing training is part of the service management framework. It contributes to improving skills, knowledge and even understanding of the meaning of the action carried out by the department in charge of youth.