Morocco/Bengueri : A support center for entrepreneurship and local economic development is created

Published on 27/03/2023 | La rédaction


The launch of the Support Center for Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development (CAEDEL) of the province of Rehamna, a structure dedicated to promoting entrepreneurial initiative among young people in the province and facilitate the act of entrepreneurship, took place Thursday in Benguerir.

On this occasion, the governor of the province, Aziz Bouignane, has toured through the various dependencies of the Center hosted at the House of Youth Al Quds, an opportunity to inquire about the various services offered to young people with projects or ideas.berged to the House of Youth Al Quds, opportunity to inquire about the various services offered to young people with projects or ideas for projects.

In this sense, explanations were provided on the missions of this Center, which is part of the Project "'Supporting the Economic Integration of Youth", funded by the World Bank and launched in a pilot manner in the region Marrakech-Safi.

"The launch of the CAEDELs marks a very important milestone in the history of the Marrakech-Safi region and for young people in the region aged between 18 and 34 years old who have projects or idees of projects wishing to embark on the entrepreneurial adventure and start their businesses," said the acting director of the Regional Investment Center of Marrakech-Safi (CRI-MS), Mohamed Amine Sabibi. He continued that these centers, supported by the Regional Investment Center, are intended to be a place of reference for entrepreneurial support, with a view to promoting the emergence of a new generation of entrepreneurs.

For their part, several young project holders or project idea holders have welcomed the establishment of CAEDELs, which offer support services, information, guidance, coaching and training in business management techniques, which allows them to transcend the difficulties that may arise in their entrepreneurial journey and complete their projects.

Implemented by CRI-MS, the CAEDELs aim to raise awareness and support young people between the ages of 18 and 34, who represent more than 30% of the region's population. To this end, five complementary service offers have been designed. Designed according to the needs of young people, these offers range from reception to information and awareness, including an offer "Bidaya" for young project holders or "Takwiya" for established entrepreneurs.

Through these five service offers, young people will be welcomed by facilitators and coaches in entrepreneurship, and will benefit from training workshops, exchange circles to gain experience in the field.These services will include training workshops, peer exchange circles to gain experience from their peers, specific management consulting sessions, and advanced sessions dedicated to production and distribution issues.
These different phases will start with an entrepreneurial diagnosis to evaluate the business capacities of the young project leader and will continue with a tailor-made accompaniment according to the profile and needs of the beneficiary.
Always with the objective of maximizing the chances of success of TPMEs, these centers also aim to study 16 value chains with high potential for value creation. The facilitators of the centers will then be able to direct the young beneficiaries of the program to targeted entrepreneurial opportunities offering good prospects for development in the medium term, submit to them figures, data and technical support to maximize their chances of success in their entrepreneurial adventure.


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