France/The new common agricultural policy presented to the vegetable farmers of Paimpol
Since January 1, 2023, for farmers, the conditions for obtaining aid from the Pac (Common Agricultural Policy) have changed. The Chamber of Agriculture took stock of the situation with about twenty producers from the Paimpol region (Côtes-d'Armor) on Thursday, January 26, 2023, in Pleumeur-Gautier.
Since January1 and until December 31, 2027, the new rules of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) are applied, after validation by the European authorities of the National Strategic Plan (NSP), which describes the implementation, in France, of the various mechanisms of the CAP.
The Chamber of Agriculture of the Côtes-d'Armor organized a meeting on Thursday evening, January 26, 2023, at the Ledenez packaging station in Pleumeur-Gautier, to present the new measures and discuss them with the participants, some fifteen farmers from the Paimpol area.
It was to address more particularly what concerns the vegetable producers of the coastal area, explained Hervé Conan, farmer and elected representative of the chamber of agriculture. The different explanations were presented by Mylène Courtot, advisor to the Chamber of Agriculture. Theoretically, there will be very little change for you in the amount of your subsidies, if you apply the new guidelines well, she reassured.
Measures to be applied to receive aid
These concern first the new definitions of farmers likely to be concerned (farmer, active, young farmer, newly installed, etc.), then the new "good agricultural and environmental conditions" (GAEC), such as the maintenance of permanent grasslands, the protection of wetlands and peatlands, the management of ploughing, crop rotation, etc.
The third aspect is the agri-environmental and climate measures (Maec), which aim to support the agro-ecological transition of farms. These are defined at the regional level and each farmer can sign a five-year contract to receive the aid that is conditional on their application.
The last part of the new directives is the specific aid for organic farming (aid for conversion or maintenance in organic farming).
All these measures are voluntary, but if you do not apply them, you will not be able to benefit from the full aid of the Pac, said Mylène Courtot.