France/Aid to local entrepreneurs, traders and craftsmen

Published on 20/11/2021 | La rédaction


The third and final allocation committee of the Local Economy Assistance Fund (FAEL) 2021 of the Community of Municipalities of the Rives du Haut-Allier (CCRHA) met to grant funding to entrepreneurs, merchants and craftsmen of the territory who have submitted a file during the year.

The 100,000 € envelope allocated for 2021 is almost exhausted since the total amount of aid has reached 96,000 €. And for the elected officials, the scheme has fully played its role as a "booster" for the local economy.

The objective of the FAEL is to encourage investments by local entrepreneurs and business creators by optimising the departmental, regional and European support mechanisms. The FAEL has a leverage effect: it can provide access to other aid, such as the European Leader aid fund," explains Laurent Joseph, agent in charge of economic development at the CCRHA. The FAEL was created to support local economic dynamics, in accordance with the wishes of the territory's elected representatives. »

Beneficiaries are companies that have taken over, created or developed an activity or an establishment of a craft, commercial or service nature. Activities of an industrial nature are also eligible, as are associations of an economic nature. "In 2021 - 2020 was a year apart because of the health crisis - we processed about thirty files, as in 2019, which proves that the recovery was at the rendezvous", emphasizes the territorial agent.

The subsidy rate is 10% of the amount of the investment excluding tax and the sum allocated is limited to €8,000 net of tax per file. To be within the limits, the investment must be a minimum of €5,000 before tax and a maximum of €80,000.

Practical information. Files to be withdrawn from the community of communes of the Rives du Haut-Allier, 6, place André-Roux in Langeac, or by e-mail at

"The sectors which have used the FAEL have been very diverse, and this throughout the territory. Florists, bakeries, garages, hotels, caterers, bed and breakfasts, veterinary surgeons, carpenters, precision mechanics, bricklayers, etc. are all sectors that have benefited from the fund.These are just some of the sectors that have benefited from the aid fund to buy equipment, renovate a façade or a shop window, expand or start a business," explains the local agent.


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