France/ EDF and Normandy's CCIs committed to supporting the local economy
EDF and the network of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in Normandy recently renewed their joint commitment to supporting regional economic development, the acquisition of new skills and job creation.
On July 2, EDF and the CCIs of Normandy formalized their strengthened collaboration at the Rencontres de l'Industrie in Le Havre, reaffirming their desire to work closely together to stimulate the local economy. The aim of this renewed partnership is to implement concrete actions to promote business growth and develop professional opportunities on a regional scale.
This strategic alliance follows on from the national framework agreement signed between CCI France and EDF on March 26. It focuses on two key areas: improving visibility of the needs of Normandy's nuclear power plants, and strengthening collaboration between EDF and local companies; and anticipating future skills requirements and improving employability. " Alongside the network of Normandy CCIs and the other Normandy clusters, we'll be deploying a fine collective initiative to get the region's companies on board.Together with the network of CCIs in Normandy, and the other Normandy clusters, we will be deploying a fine collective initiative to bring the region's companies on board and support them over the long term to meet the needs of our nuclear projects ", emphasizes Alban Verbecke, Director of Regional Action at EDF Normandy.