Togo/ Decentralization: a slight deficit for the Haho 1 commune mayor's office in 2023

Published on 20/05/2024 | La rédaction


In the commune of Haho 1, the financial results for 2023 show revenue of almost 190 million FCFA (189,916,276 FCFA), compared with expenditure of 216 million FCFA, giving a deficit balance of almost 27 million FCFA. These results are presented as the municipality began its second ordinary session of 2024 in Notsè this week.

The meeting, which focuses on the review of the previous year's financial and management accounts, opens the way for discussions to analyze the commune's financial movements in depth, rectify deficit accounts and plan investments for the current year.

For Assila Koumédjina, Secretary of the Haho prefecture, the session will also enable the shortcomings of previous accounts to be corrected, and the 2024 budget to be adjusted to meet the needs of the population.

Among the achievements of the previous year in the commune, according to Mayor Séfenou Yaovi, were the fitting out of hangars and the fencing of the town hall, as reported by ATOP.


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