Canada/About 80 actions to make downtown Chicoutimi attractive

Published on 08/05/2024 | La rédaction


The City of Saguenay wants to confirm the flagship role of downtown Chicoutimi. A new version of the special urban planning program (PPU) was adopted at the Saguenay City Council meeting. Mayor Julie Dufour speaks of a true "vision".

Living, working, moving, enjoying, contemplating and mobilizing. These six main themes are broken down into 77 actions, with varying degrees of priority. Several projects may arise from these actions.

We're used to hearing about big projects, like an amphitheatre or infrastructure. We've really turned our attention to planning and vision, so there's no escaped piece," illustrates Julie Dufour.

Increasing the supply of commercial space, capitalizing on the development of the digital niche, improving pedestrian safety and building a bicycle link through downtown are just a few examples of the actions that could come to fruition most quickly. Housing is also a priority.

Implementing financial incentives to encourage the addition of new housing units downtown is a very concrete measure that could be taken in collaboration with various ministries and government agencies.rents and government agencies," explained Gabriel Rioux, the Municipality's Director General, during his presentation to the media.

On the other hand, dissuasive measures for abandoned and contaminated buildings and land are also envisaged.

Saguenay's PPU is the result of various consultations that have taken place since 2019. More than 2,000 people were met. It will come into force in July.

Downtown Saguenay

The City of Saguenay wants to make Chicoutimi the main downtown area. The planning document sets out a vision for the next 10 years, with a view to raising the city's profile.

The mobilization theme is aimed at strengthening the population's sense of belonging to the downtown area.


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