Belgium/250 traps distributed in Nivelles to combat Asian hornets

Published on 07/05/2024 | La rédaction


The fight against Asian hornets is being organized in local communities. In recent years, the presence of these harmful insects in our regions has become increasingly noticeable. "Especially in urban environments with lots of green spaces", explains Nicolas Polidoroff, beekeeper in Nivelles. The yellow-legged hornet is a danger not only to bees, and therefore to biodiversity, but also to humans if they are stung.

Having been made aware of the problem, in particular by local beekeepers, the town of Nivelles adopted two measures to try and eradicate the beetle: reimbursement of the cost of destroying nests in private homes by an approved professional, and the distribution of traps. 250 traps have been made available to Nivelles residents. The traps are glass jars with perforated lids, filled with a sweet mixture that is highly attractive to hornets. "The jars can be used to capture individuals in the spring. We're especially hoping for queens, to prevent the spread of secondary nests", explains Maïlis Neuwels, the town's environmental advisor.

Vespa Hunters on the lookout

Holders of these traps are advised to keep a daily watch on them and, when an insect is caught, to place it in a cold room, first to anaesthetize it, with a view to releasing it in complete safety, if it is a bee, for example. If it is an Asian hornet, a longer period in the freezer will destroy it for good. "Combined with the destruction of nests later in the season, these traps will enable effective regulation", says Nicolas Polidoroff.

The beekeeper, who also specializes in nest destruction, would not be able to work effectively without reports either. These can now be made on "Vespa Hunter" Facebook groups. "Behind these groups are beekeepers, enthusiasts who will act as a relay to have the nests neutralized", he explains. Created in autumn 2023, the Nivelles group is one of the most active, and already has several hundred participants."We identified and destroyed 120 nests over a three-month period at the end of 2023", says the beekeeper with satisfaction.


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