France/Scaër. An agreement between the twinning committee and the town

Published on 12/04/2024 | La rédaction


On Wednesday afternoon, mayor Jean-Yves Le Goff welcomed Didier Le Duc, president of the twinning committee, to sign the agreement linking the commune and the committee. The aim of this agreement is to formalize the partnership that has been in place for several years now, for the management of past and recently established twinning arrangements," explains Jean-Yves Le Goff.

This agreement was put to the vote of the Town Council on February 28, before the arrival of the Catalans from Montgai, Scaër's new twin town since March 9. The town is delighted to strengthen its partnership with the Scaër twinning committee, and hopes that it will continue.

Didier Le Duc was also delighted that an agreement had been signed between the Scaër twinning committee and the town: "Since the committee was set up in 1986, when we first twinned with Crickhowell, no agreement had been drawn up. And I'm delighted, after the meetings with the Catalans and the signatures between the towns last month, that this agreement has now been drawn up.


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