Switzerland/International Cooperation Forum Viola Amherd opens peace forum in Basel

Published on 12/04/2024 | La rédaction


Swiss President Viola Amherd opened the 3rd International Cooperation Forum in Basel on Thursday, with peace as its central theme. To promote peace, we need to think beyond the actions of states and administrative services," she declared.

Swiss President Viola Amherd (right) opened the 3rd Swiss International Cooperation Forum in Basel on Thursday, with Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde (left) as guest of honor.

Swiss President Viola Amherd opened the 3rd International Cooperation Forum in Basel on Thursday, with peace as its central theme. To promote peace, we need to think beyond the actions of states and administrative services," she declared.

The Swiss International Cooperation Forum (IC Forum), organized by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), brings together international cooperation players for a two-day exchange on topical issues. Some 1,700 participants from over 100 countries are in Basel to answer the question "What is peace?

Ethiopian president guest of honor

Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde is the forum's guest of honor. In a bilateral meeting, the President of the Swiss Confederation and the Ethiopian President discussed the wide-ranging relations between Switzerland and Ethiopia, as well as security issues affecting Europe and Africa. Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis is also present in Basel.

For Viola Amherd, the word "peace" is closely linked to freedom and security. "What it has in common for all of us, and for humanity as a whole, is the aspiration it awakens in us."It's paradoxical that technology and research are making progress "as rapid as it is impressive", but in other areas, "evolution is turning into regression", declared the Federal Councillor in her opening address to the forum.

"Everywhere, we see the most brutal power politics making a comeback, with a growing number of players who have no hesitation in resorting to military force to assert their own interests", noted the President of the Confederation. Switzerland "must do all it can to oppose this development".

A strong position for peace

Switzerland's reputation as a peace-builder "remains solid", says Viola Amherd. This is evidenced by the fact that last year, Switzerland received three new mandates from warring parties in sub-Saharan Africa. In civil peacebuilding, Switzerland tackles the causes of conflict, such as the lack of economic prospects.

When it comes to peace policy, it is "important to think beyond the actions of states and administrative departments". "We are of course dependent on civil society, universities and the private sector", stressed Viola Amherd.

The President of the Confederation also recalled that the Federal Council had announced on Wednesday that Switzerland was ready to host a conference on peace in Ukraine. "Invitations will be sent out shortly", she added. "It is in everyone's interest that the international community regains stability, and that international law is applied and respected."

Source: www.blick.ch

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