Canada/Hearst offers money to encourage housing creation

Published on 11/04/2024 | La rédaction


The Town of Hearst will soon be offering financial assistance to people who will create more housing in the community.

After months of work by the economic development department, the Hearst Town Council adopted the Community Improvement Plan on Tuesday evening to stimulate the creation of housing in the town.

Residents will be able to apply for one of a dozen subsidy programs.

I think that with the incentives we're presenting, it's going to be interesting for people who want to invest in the community, because our hands are really tied when it comes to housing," says Hearst Mayor Roger Sigouin.

The creation of new housing is considered essential to attract the necessary workforce to the community.

We don't have any housing for healthcare professionals right now," says Mayor Sigouin.

Certain subsidies are available for the conversion of existing spaces and the construction of new housing.

The Municipality is making $200,000 available for 2024, and funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The mayor mentions that people are interested in the program to carry out certain projects.

The plan is due to be officially implemented in a few weeks' time, following final approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

At its meeting on Tuesday, the municipal council also appointed people to a team to evaluate the applications.


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