Guinea/Local development: 30 years on, regional development plans are back in force

Published on 11/04/2024 | La rédaction


From March 28 to 29, 2024, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MATD) hosted the first session of the year of the Steering Committee for the PAGL 1, PAGL 2 and PANAFIC projects. Chaired by the Secretary General of the MATD, the meeting aimed to validate the strategic and operational documents crucial to guiding the actions of the Agence Nationale de Financement des Collectivités Locales (ANAFIC) throughout the year.

The meeting was marked by constructive discussions, including validation of the strategic and operational documents for 2024, as well as review of the 2023 activity report. Members also discussed various topics relating to projects and ANAFIC, in addition to following up on previous recommendations and formulating new ones to improve the agency's performance.

Sékou Mawa Touré, Managing Director of ANAFIC, expressed his optimistic outlook at the session: "This year marks two major events: the closure of the first phase of PAGL and the start of PAGL 2 activities. As a local development project, we are aligning ourselves with the presidential vision by placing particular emphasis on local and social development, while taking into account the concerns of the most vulnerable strata. "

Similarly, Kobélé Keita, Secretary General of the MATD and Chairman of the PAGL 2 steering committee, expressed his satisfaction with the results achieved and the successful transition to the project's second phase: " PAGL effectively accompanies decentralization, which is crucial for our department. The planned activities fully meet our objectives. "

On the sidelines of the session, a financing agreement for the Schémas Régionaux de Développement (SRAD) was signed between the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. Ismael Nabé, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, underlined the importance of this initiative, highlighting regional development challenges and calling for the strengthening of regional planning and programming capacities.
" The estimated budget for developing SRADs is $4million. The State's planned contribution is 10%, which is already included in the 2024 Finance Act, so there is a requirement of around 3 million 600 thousand dollars.The World Bank has already provided 2 million dollars in funding, leaving a gap of 1.6 million dollars to be filled", explained Ismaël Nabé, before adding: "It' s important to remember that it's been over 30 years, since 1992, since we've had these schemes. Although they are drawn up every 20 years, SRADs have only been drawn up once in the Republic of Guinea, between 1988 and 1992. So this is an extremely important path for transition. "

Ibrahima Kalil Condé, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, also hailed the progress made under the Programme d'Appui à la Gouvernance Locale (Local Governance Support Program).Appui à la Gouvernance Locale (PAGL) (Local Governance Support Program), particularly in terms of urban planning, highlighting the extension of PAGL2 coverage to 20 other urban communes.

"Obtaining PAGL2 will enable us to extend its coverage to 20 other urban communes. It will also support the Planning Department on a larger scale in the development of regional sustainable development plans. This agreement, which will be signed in this room, is the legal framework for implementing our shared ambition to make our territories true points of economic development ", he added.


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