France/L'association franco-somalienne du Relecq-Kerhuon wants to help install containers

Published on 11/04/2024 | La rédaction

France, Somalia

The general meeting of the association Solidarité franco-somalienne, chaired by Abdi Tahir, himself born in Somalia, was held on Saturday April 6, 2024 in Le Relecq-Kerhuon. The aim of this association is to help fishermen in this African country: the project for which the volunteers are mobilizing is to support the installation of two solar-powered refrigeration containers, in partnership with the association Electriciens sans frontière. This is the association's first project on Somali soil in its forty-year history.

"The cooperative has no cold storage facilities for fish. This limits the deferred sale of fish both locally and for export to neighboring countries," comments Abdi Tahir. To finance this project, the association in Le Relecq-Kerhuon regularly organizes meals, notably during Toutes voiles kerhorres, and has set up a fund to collect donations.


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