France/Cazères. New job centres open in April

Published on 29/03/2024 | La rédaction


The Cœur de Garonne community of communes is launching its Cœur de Garonne Emploi service in Cazères at Case Montserrat and in Rieumes at Maison du Tailleur.

These premises are already home to France services and the offices of other partners (Mission Locale, Caisse d'Allocations familiales...).

"From April 2024, our company-employment relations officer Jérôme Delgao will be present one day a week, alternating between Cazères on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month (Case Montserrat - 15 rue de la Case) and in Rieumes on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month (Maison du Tailleur - 2 place du Marché à la Volaille).

This new organization will enable local residents to benefit from personalized advice, job search assistance and help with writing CVs and cover letters. By opening these offices, Cœur de Garonne is reinforcing the accessibility of public services and their proximity to citizens, and reaffirming its commitment to local employment and its desire to actively support local residents in their professional endeavours". As a reminder, the intercommunality launched its employment service in November 2022 to put local companies and candidates in touch with each other. Since the creation of this service, Jérôme Delgao has stepped up his efforts in the field to identify and understand companies' needs. An initial assessment has revealed 109 job offers, 45 online job offers on the intercommunalité website, 3 company meetings in Cœur de Garonne, 13 individual meetings with local companies, permanent hirings and work-study placements. The new Cœur de Garonne Emploi offices are open by appointment only, and can be contacted directly by telephone on 07 88 80 84 26 or by e-mail:


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