France/Villefranche-de-Lauragais. Innovative partnership for the elderly

Published on 28/03/2024 | La rédaction


MPs Monique Iborra and Thierry Frappé visited the Maisonneuve residence for the French National Assembly's Social Affairs Committee.

On Thursday March 21, Monique Iborra, Member of Parliament for Haute-Garonne, and Thierry Frappé, Member of Parliament for Pas-de-Calais, visited the Maisonneuve residence.Etablissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (Ehpad) and territorial resource center (CRT) in partnership with the ASA homecare association.

The CRT Lauragais was selected by the Agence régionale de santé Occitanie (ARS) to be the 1st resource center created in the Haute-Garonne department. The visit was part of a mission to evaluate resource centers for the French National Assembly's social affairs committee.

Two members of parliament visit

After discovering the Villefranchois facility under the guidance of its director Véronqiue Gémar, the parliamentarians, alongsides of Michelle Dubernat, the association's deputy director, were able to listen to the professionals' first-hand experience and share experiences from other regions.

Locally, the Lauragais Territorial Resource Center is run by the Résidence Maisonneuve and the ASA Association. Its mission is to mobilize and support local skills to help dependent elderly people stay in their own homes. It operates in the 58 communes of the Terres du Lauragais Community of Communes, and may eventually extend to the Revélois area.

This innovative partnership between Maisonneuve and ASA has enabled the two specialized structures and their teams to jointly develop a new activity combining accommodation services for dependent elderly people with home care and assistance.

This combined expertise will enable us to offer a wide range of information, awareness-raising and support services to seniors and professionals alike.

The CRT has two main objectives: on the one hand, to facilitate access to care and prevention for the elderly and their carers, and to increase support for professionals; and, on the other hand, to strengthen support for dependent elderly people to enable them to remain in their own homes. All the services offered by the CRT, fully funded by ARS Occitanie, are free of charge for the elderly and free of charge for professionals.


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