SENEGAL-INFRASTRUCTURES / Access to water: three new boreholes in Ourossogui

Published on 27/02/2024 | La rédaction


The Thierno-Wollé-Ndiaye Foundation will help improve access to water in the northern commune of Ourossogui, where three boreholes built with its help were handed over on Monday.

The new waterworks were built in the Darou Salam, Aïnoumady and Windé districts.

"We invite the people of Ourossogui to make good use of these infrastructures," said Ibrahima Anne, General Manager of the company responsible for their construction, at the inauguration ceremony.

The Executive Director of the Thierno-Wollé-Ndiaye Foundation, Abou Ndiaye, also invited the beneficiaries of the boreholes to make good use of them.

He hopes that the technical services of the Matam region's water authority will be involved in their management.

"We call on young people to get involved in the management of the wells by setting up a management committee," said Mr. Ndiaye.

The foundation behind the construction of the boreholes was created by businessman Abdoulaye Wollé Ndiaye.

It has completed some 15 boreholes in the Matam region, including six in Foumihara Diobé and Diam Wéli.

The foundation has also facilitated access to water in Ndendory, Séno Palel, Sinthiou Garba, Diella, Bonji Wali and Wendou Bosséabé, in the same region.


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