DRC/Bunia: young people commit to peace and the fight against manipulation

Published on 22/02/2024 | La rédaction

Congo DRC

On Saturday February 17, around a hundred young people from Ituri province, grouped together in several structures, pledged to promote peace and social cohesion.

They made this commitment during a gala evening on peaceful cohabitation and living together organized by the provincial youth council.

The president of the provincial youth council, Deogratias Bungamuzi, emphasized that the main aim of the event was to provide young people with a framework for exchange, dialogue and consolidation of democratic values, the key to development.

But also to preserve love, unity and forgiveness for the promotion of lasting peace in the province. It's a successful gamble, in his view.

During the evening, the security situation in the province was examined in detail.

Discussions focused in particular on the intensification of the security crisis in the east of the country, and the resurgence of atrocities by armed groups who have signed ceasefire agreements in Djugu territory, the epicenter of armed conflict in Ituri.

The young people also resolved to fight against any form of manipulation that tends to destabilize the country and create tensions between communities.

Source: www.radiookapi.net

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