Mali/ANICT: 20 years at the service of local development
After two days of roundtable discussions on the 20 years of existence and constancy of the National Agency for Investment of Local Authorities (ANICT), its Director General, Lassana Coulibaly, accompanied by the heads of division and regional directors, held a press conference. It was on Thursday, March 23, 2023 in the premises of the agency in Darsalam.
Created to support the decentralization process, particularly the Mayors, the National Agency for Investment in Local Government (ANICT) has been in existence for over 20 years. More than 20 years of constancy that ANICT has decided to celebrate through a series of activities, according to its Director General Lassana Coulibaly. To, he said, not only make a time of retrospection but also engage in reflection to assess the achievements and challenges. "The idea of celebrating 20 years of existence is due to the consistency of the structure without interruption. Why? Because rare are the structures that work for 20 years without interruption," he justified. "Despite the crisis, we have deemed it necessary to make this anniversary a time of retrospection and reflection to evaluate our own practice. It is about seeing what has worked and what has not worked during the last 20 years.... The country has just adopted a new territorial code that organizes the territory, which means that the number of municipalities and regions has increased. How can we organize and operationalize all this without losing sight of the primary objective, which is to enable everyone to have a minimum of development in their locality? This is where ANICT comes in," explained Director General Lassana Coulibaly.
Summing up two days of round table, he stressed that the discussions were fruitful with quality representatives from technical structures of the state, civil society, elected officials and international expertise through the Union of African Governments.
25,366 projects completed in Mali's communes
Over the 20 years of service, he reported, the Agency has transferred 340 billion CFA francs to local authorities. "These are not resources totally dedicated to decentralization, but resources that have passed through ANICT mechanisms. And these 340 billion CFA francs are resources that were given to mayors with conditions to invest in projects at the level of the communities and in accordance with their PDSEC which are emanations of the populations. These billions have been used to carry out 25,366 projects in Mali's communes in the education, water and health sectors," said Mr. Coulibaly.
ANICT's mission is to receive resources from the State, technical and financial partners and then to pass them on to the communities under their control. It also provides basic social services to the population and ensures that development is balanced at the territorial level.