Belgium/Floods in Wallonia: the Red Cross distributes four million euros to flood victims
The Belgian Red Cross distributed four million euros in January to 16,300 households affected by the July 2021 floods, it announced Wednesday. The aid is provided in the form of a cash allowance and can be used for any type of expenditure.
At theend of 2022, the Belgian Red Cross gathered all available information to contact directly all affected households in the most affected communes (identified by the Walloon Region, editor's note)," explains Franck Gorchs-Chacou, director of the Belgian Red Cross Flood Unit.s of the most affected communes (identified as such by the Walloon Region, editor's note)," explains Franck Gorchs-Chacou, director of the Belgian Red Cross Flood Unit.
"A letter was then sent with a simple form to be filled in online or sent back by post free of charge to benefit from the aid. [...] Other means of communication were deployed to reach unidentified households and it was also possible to apply for the aid without having received a letter. This concerns about 2,000 applications.
In the end, 16,300 families applied for this financial boost. According to the humanitarian organization behind the action: a single person received 230 euros, an amount increased to 270 euros for a family of two, 310 euros for a family of three and 350 euros for a family of more than three people.
Of the total donations received by the association since July 2021, there is a balance of 600,000 euros that are already committed until the end of July 2023. The money will be devoted to the realization of the last projects for the benefit of the disaster victims, in particular young people, isolated and weakened people as well as those with a still precarious housing. In addition, a third local branch of the Belgian Red Cross will open in Trooz (Nessonvaux) soon.