France/Grenoble: CEA launches nearly ten start-ups a year

Published on 02/12/2022 | La rédaction


The CEA in Grenoble has a policy of supporting the creation and development of startups. More than 200 of them have been created thanks to the CEA's support. Jean-Philippe Bourgoin is the deputy director of technological research at the CEA. He is the guest on "La nouvelle éco".

Supporting, developing and contributing to the creation of startups. For several years now, the CEA in Grenoble has been committed to helping startups launch themselves. Jean-Philippe Bourgoin is the deputy director of technological research at the CEA. He is the guest of La Nouvelle Eco in Isère.

What are the challenges of this development?

Jean-Philippe Bourgoin: One of the CEA's missions is to transfer technology to industry, and in particular to national industry. It's quite simple: either industry works with us and needs our technologies, so we develop them with them on the basis of the research we conduct. Otherwise, in a certain number of cases, there is no national industry but there are technologies that have a strong potential and that meet the universe of startups. In a certain number of cases, these startups are created from the CEA and in other cases, they are startups that come to us at the very beginning of their business development.

You are sending four startups to the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas in January 2023. What is the interest for you to present these startups?

The startups that come out of the CEA are startups that are based on research advances that give them a capacity for innovation. This capacity for innovation is what differentiates them and what, a priori, allows them to make their mark and then to develop. This resonates with the CES, which is a kind of big innovation show, and so it's a great opportunity for them to meet potential customers and make themselves known.

You are also developing partnerships with companies in Grenoble. What is the advantage of being part of the local economy?

The CEA has always been part of the local economy in Grenoble, so we're actually very proud when we can work hand in hand with local manufacturers to develop new plants. There have been a lot of good examples announced recently, whether it's STMicroelectronics or Genvia. We're really working hand in hand, both with industry and with academic partners from Grenoble-Alpes University and our colleagues from other organizations. And then, at the heart of it all, we bring a special technological research dimension.

A CEA and CNRS start-up was launched on Tuesday, November 29 in Grenoble

  • Siquance co-founded by Maud Vinet, Tristan Meunier and François Perruchot
  • The goal of Siquance is to develop and market a kind of "super computer" that uses quantum computing. An ultra powerful calculation which will be able to solve problems too complicated for the existing technologies at the present time.
  • This start-up is based on semiconductor technology.


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