France/A workshop in Limoges to help seniors stay operational at the wheel

Published on 06/12/2024 | La rédaction


In partnership with the French road safety organization Prévention Routière, the ADPAD association organized a day-long event in Limoges to help senior citizens stay operational at the wheel. A refresher course that proved useful for some sixty participants.

Between road signs, new lanes and new vehicles, the road is evolving, and it's not easy to keep up when you got your driving license in the 1950s or 1960s.

Driving rules which may seem logical, are less so for senior citizens, especially if they rarely leave their usual routes around home.

An anxiety-inducing road

Keeping up to date is important, and it was with this in mind that ADPAD (Association d'aide aux personnes à domicile) organized an awareness-raising day on its premises in Limoges.

Some sixty senior citizens attended the event, but twice as many requested a place in the workshops run by experts from the Prévention Routière.

"The road can be a source of anxiety for some people. There are more and more different vehicles on the road, from bicycles to scooters, and senior citizens aren't necessarily used to driving in these situations. It's sometimes difficult for them to grasp the different scenarios."

Nathalie Cibert (ADPAD Association)

Analysis of accidents involving senior citizens shows a direct link with several factors: the use of medication and mental overload.

To ensure they remain fit to drive, the experts gave a number of tips, such as avoiding distractions at the wheel, and adapting their speed for a better reaction time to their vehicle's stopping distance.

A driving simulator was used to put the seniors in driving conditions.

"I needed to look at the signs again", says the driver.

"This refresher day is very useful," admits Martine. "Personally, I needed to review the signs, especially the new ones. "

A pedagogical test on the Highway Code not only helped drivers to review what they had learnt, but also to discover the new signs, and to demystify traffic circles, which can sometimes be problematic for older drivers.

Facts and figures

Fewer accidents: Contrary to popular belief, drivers aged over 75 cause fewer fatal accidents (9%) than 18-24 year-olds (19%).

Liability. On the other hand, in the event of a fatal accident, drivers over 75 are deemed liable in 81% of cases. As many as 18-24 year-olds (80%).

Medical check-up. In February, the European Parliament rejected the introduction of a compulsory medical check-up for motorists every 15 years. Each country is free to adopt this measure, not yet on the agenda in France, but already in force in Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Denmark.

(*) Figures from the Observatoire national interministériel de la Sécurité routière for 2023.


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