Burkina/ Adaptation to climate change and access to the Green Climate Fund: Local authorities trained in strategic planning and project design
From June 11 to 13, 2024, the town of Ziniaré, in the Central Plateau region, hosted a training workshop for communal leaders from the communes of Barsalogho and Pensa, in the Centre-nord region, on strategic planning for climate change adaptation and access to the green climate fund. The opening ceremony was co-chaired by Zingué Kamou, representing the Director General of the Green Economy and Climate Change, Jean Bazié, representing the Country Director of the NGO Christian Aid, and Moussa Oubri, representing the NGO Structure rurale d'appui aux communautés (SERACOM). As a reminder, SERACOM is Christian Aid's operational partner for the implementation of the PRESI OKDD project in its three intervention communes (Barsalogho, Pensa and Kelbo).
A total of 16 community leaders from the communes of Barsalogho and Pensa in the Centre-Nord region took part in this training course on strategic planning for climate change adaptation and access to the Green Climate Fund.
Over a three-day period (June 11-13), they were introduced to a number of aspects of climate change adaptation and access to the green climate fund.the Green Climate Fund, with the support of the Directorate General for the Green Economy and Climate Change and the Green Climate Fund Executive Secretariat.
According to Jean Bazié, representative of Christian Aid's Country Director, the aim of the workshop was to build the capacity of decentralized players in the field of integrated planning, adaptation and mitigation.grant adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and ensure that this issue is adequately taken into account in communal development plans.
According to meteorological forecasts for the agro-climatic characteristics of the 2024 wet agricultural season, some parts of the country will have excess cumulative rainfall, while others will have deficits in line with normal trends. These are concrete facts that demonstrate that the country is already coping with the effects of climate change. It is for these reasons that this workshop has been organized, with the aim of strengthening the capacities of the players involved.
Still in the process of building the capacities of players, the Country Director's representative indicated that, in addition to strategic planning in terms of adaptation to climate change, players will be sufficiently informed about existing opportunities, in particular the Green Climate Fund. "Because these are existing funds that stakeholders will be able to seize to develop initiatives to cope with the adverse effects of climate change. But they will also learn how to manage climate projects, with a particular focus on how to design a climate project", he adds.
This training, organized by the NGO Christian Aid and its partners, is part of the implementation of the Projet de renforcement des capacités de résilience des populations vulnérables affectées par la crise sécuritaire et les effets du changement climatique sur l'axe Ouaga-Kaya-Dori-Djibo dans les régions du Centre-nord et du Sahel, en abrégé PRESI-OKDD. According to Harouna Baya, project coordinator at Christian Aid, and Nestor Ouédraogo, senior program manager/climate change and sustainable energies, this European Union-funded project will run for four years.
PRESI-OKDD will be implemented in eleven communes by the implementation consortium comprising Christian Aid, OXFAM and SOS Sahel International France, and their respective operational partners SERACOM, ATAD and SOS Sahel International Burkina Faso. The aim of this training course is to build the capacity of local authorities to take climate change adaptation into account in their local development plans (PCD).veloppement (PCD), by analyzing risks and vulnerabilities and taking these analyses into account when prioritizing concrete measures in PCDs, they said.
The project was welcomed by local authorities, who believe that the effects of climate change need no further demonstration, as they are already being seen on the ground.cus on the ground, and action must be taken to prepare populations to adapt more effectively and, above all, to develop resilience initiatives to cope with shocks.
Source: lefaso.net/