Cameroon/AFD releases nearly 20 billion Fcfa for infrastructure construction in Cameroon

Published on 13/06/2024 | La rédaction


To this end, two financing agreements worth 6.56 billion and 13 billion CFA francs were signed yesterday between the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Cameroon government. These agreements finance the Sporcap project and phase 2 of the Regional Capitals 1 program.

19.56 billion Fcfa. This is the total amount of the two agreements signed on June 12, 2024 between the Minister of the Economy, Alamine Ousmane Mey; the Director of the French Development Agency, Virginie Dago; and the French Ambassador to Cameroon, Thierry Marchand.

In detail, the first agreement of 6.56 billion Fcfa (or 10 million euros) is earmarked for the Sporcap project, which aims to build and facilitate access for young people to local sports infrastructures (soccer stadiums, gymnasiums, etc.) in five regional capitals of Cameroon. These are Bamenda (North-West), Bertoua (East), Garoua (North), Bafoussam (West) and Maroua (Far North). It will also contribute to the rehabilitation of existing structures, making sporting activities more accessible and regular for all residents, especially young girls and boys. Nearly 2 million people will be affected by the project.

It should also be pointed out that the financing agreement signed today is the concrete expression of AFD's determination to continue with the construction of local infrastructures in 2023. This commitment was expressed at a meeting between the Minister of Housing and Urban Development (Minhdu) and an AFD team led by its CEO in September of the same year. Sporcap, which is due to get underway later this year, will be jointly coordinated by Minhdu and the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education (Minsep).

Building on the momentum of the announcements made last September, the second financing agreement was signed on June 12. It concerns phase 2 of the Regional Capitals 1 (RC1) program. A total of 13 billion Fcfa (20 million euros) will be allocated to the regional heads of the West (Bafoussam), North (Garoua) and East (Bertoua) regions. Specifically, this funding "will enable the development of markets, the construction of a bus station in Bertoua, the construction of roadways to complement those builtin phase 1 in Bafoussam, and the construction of small water access facilities to complement those built in phase 1 in Garoua", AFD stated in a press release. This second phase completes the achievements of the first phase, which had already mobilized 82 billion Fcfa (125 million euros) for these three regional capitals, with progress being recorded in the field. The two projects receiving funding today are part of the Debt Reduction and Development Contract initiated in Cameroon in 2006.

Source: ecomatin. net

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